Monday, November 24, 2008

Yin Lan Lan Questions for Trial of Mao

Trial of Chairman Mao: Witness Question Sheet
Directions: You as a witness are to write four questions and answers in the perspective of your character using the book as a reference. You should find passages from the novel in support of Chairman Mao OR evidence against him depending the side of the case you are representing. Remember to USE page numbers and POST these questions on your blog. Lawyers, use this document to create cross-examination questions. Two per character should be sufficient.

Character: Yin Lan Lan Student Name: Vio Jung

1. Question: How did Chairman Mao’s cultural revolution change your life?

Answer: As the cultural revolutionary came, my life changed a lot. First, my school life changed. Before the cultural revolutionary, the teachers only cared about my grades, and because my family is not a rich family, I had a lot more house work than other people and I couldn't study for my tests much. So, I had bad scores and I had to repeat a grade 3 times. But, after the Cultural Revolution started, Chairman Mao made my life whole lot better. Now, the teachers also care about my class status and that made my life really happy. I am a Red Successor now and I can be a Red Guard (pg. 41-44).

2. Question: What do you think about Chairman Mao?

Answer: I think that he is a great man. He changed my whole boring life. Since my family is a red family, I don’t have to be always at the bottom of the class. Even the teachers started treating me differently. Now, I am one of the Red Guards, and I am really happy. Once, I was leading a bunch of elementary kids with Du Hai to post a Da Zi Bao about Jili’s aunt, and nobody mistreated me.

3. Question: do you think that the Cultural Revolution should keep on going?

Answer: Yes, because everyone will be treated equally and fairly. It wouldn’t be fair if somebody gets more money than you do if you and that person worked for a same amount of time. Also, who cares if you are a black whelp? You can always be a educable child and abandon your parents.

4. Question: Are you happy about what Mao’s doing?

Answer: Yes, because he’s doing a lot of great things. We abandoned our 4 olds (old habit, old custom, old culture, old ides) so we can develop, and he’s encouraging us to use Chinese products. Also, he made alliance with the Soviet Union, and I think we need to have a strong country as our allies to support us. Also, he has changed how we should treat people. I used to be alone and lonely because many people left me alone because I wasn’t smart. But now, we also care about the class status, so I can stand out and I don’t have to be alone anymore. So, I encourage Mao to continue doing this.